I wonder so many times a day, how Mom's do this. So many of my friends have multiple children and a lot of them make it look easy most days that is. Here it is one crazy moment after another and most days I am amazed that the day is over. Today. I feel like I can't believe it, this is our life, FULL to the top with LIFE, that most days, doesn't even make sense. If you asked me what I accomplished with my day my answer would be a dumbstruck and exhausted stare, somewhere between a 2yr. old, sleepless night infant and dinner, I think I accomplished reading a book to Rowan maybe put a dish or two in the dishwasher. I know, I know, it slows down, OK maybe not it at least starts to find a rhythm, that works within your house. I constantly find myself reaching for that, and know that it is just around the corner in so many ways.
I mean already in just this last week i have become so much less intimidated by Phoenix's wound and his Physical therapy and 2 trips to the hospital with him has become minimal and ordinary. That is a gift. So many gifts daily are poured out on us and I am sooo thankful for that. This week we met many new people from our church they have begun bringing us meals which I am so amazed by this kindness. We met with our friends Mel and Wendy at the Church's coffee shop and met so many others, it was great to hear them say they are reading about our lives and praying for us. Astounded that our life has become something to read....Then I am brought to the bigger picture of Raising boys to become great men and this plan that God has interwoven so intricately to make it a Great Story full of His Character. He amazes me, with his grace, strength and view of this life we live. I am taken back that he chose us and that really it has only begun for us. Phoenix is only 7 weeks old and Rowan two and there are UN named children of ours and unseen paths for us. Embracing this day is what I must always find my place in, this one day and these fast FULL days.
Ok, enough of my tangents, on to the updates. Rowan had a rollercoaster of a week as most 2 yr. olds do, we are learning how to help him through all the transitions. He is doing great for the most part and like every child consistency and schedule are everything to him, security that is. I lack in those areas and am thankful for Mike's touch and the Grace of God.He is adorable and so endearing that even in a moment you can forget the nightmare of a scene he caused moments ago. It goes without saying that Mike and I are learning to not allow ourselves to fray under staring eyes in public places.
Phoenix is healing well and hopefully this week will be the undoing of Wound covering, it looks great and has healed well. I don't know what that will mean, if he'll still be unable to be on his back or if there will be set amount of times he'll be allowed to lay on it. We got a great stroller this week that has a bassinet so he can lay down on his tummy or side in it and I can be hands free for appointments, which is a gift in every length of the word. He sleeps like a newborn and does not believe night is for bed time. Our weeks consist of 2-4 trips to the different doctors and Physical Therapy. We are only currently seeing 3 or the 6 Doctors he'll be dealing with on a regular basis because some we have to switch over to military doctors for insurance reasons. This week at Physical therapy I learned how to tape his right foot to help reshape, and reposition it. I am learning to fit his exercises on his feet into our day to day. Great progress has already happened in these weeks and we are hoping and praying that will continue to avoid surgery.His shunt is doing well and this week we will meet with the Neurosurgeon again to look him over. We also will start Occupational therapy, which will help with his development, and give me at home exercises to do to help loosen his upper body, he tends to overcompensate because of not using his legs. His demeanor is sweet and strong and I am enjoying his intense stares and chubbiness. He is a doll, such a sweet and strong spirit.
Mike and I are not looking forward to his return to school in a couple of weeks, but know that it is worth it and will be great for us. We are doing well, looking forward to a much needed date night this week, his brother will be back from vacation and Mike's Mom and Dad are in town, so maybe we'll get more than one. YAY!
That's it. Love to you all and thank you for all your love, prayers and support.