I would answer this question differently than some, but here it goes. Phoenix is a Gift, just like your child is a gift. He is a little boy and can be treated just like any little boy when interacting. Get down on his level if you want, don't if you feel more awkward. Ask your questions, let your child ask theirs (awkward, unsure or even seemingly rude, I love a childs mind and I have really THICK skin) I so value these moments as oppurtunities to learn together and grow together in loving eachother. Children want to talk about there day and what they Love and how they are doing. Phoenix LOVES to chat it up and engaging him is a delight to him and us! Maybe one day you'll meet a family who aren't open and seem cold, I would say still be warm and kind and give words of Courage ( you are a beautiful family, what a treasure your child is, amazing how you love and care for him/ her) believe me for every kind word, there are probably 50 not so kind words, stares or questions they have received, that hurt. Please don't whisper, glare, point, stare a little too long or fear him or us. That only makes us all feel seperated and divided in our differences an opens no new doors of conversation or understanding.
I want to say that I believe Children to be tender and curious and that they are honest in there questions and I have not yet found this to be offensive, but beautiful and leaves me with oppurtuities to love them and my children so much more. I have found that often us as adults are the ones who struggle more with the whys and hows and Awkwardness. Even I, a seasoned, Compassionate Momma feel overwhelmed or unsure of how to handle a Momma in a delicate medical situation or diagnosis. I analyze ( I don't want to come across overly positive or negative or make them feel like I am pitying there child) on elevators and miss the oppurtunity to bring hope or joy often.These are ALL reactions I have felt and swam through.. I am learning and growing and stepping out even if I fail and I have found some of the richest, most satisfying moments in just loving others and encouraging them that they are doing a great job loving there precious babies and some of the dearest friendships have formed in these dark moments of sharing life at a hospital.
Let's be people who advocate for the Beauty of God's perfect knitting together (perfection is not a child who can do everything we value on this earth, like running and talking and....), as all of you know from our Families life, God's ways are not ours, but much more Beautifully Purposeful. I would not trade out my darlings for anything, oh how they have made me a much better Woman and Momma, and how they are making you a better lover/giver/ friend of one another! God is Brillant indeed and His plans so far reaching!