Sooooo this week I would love to invite you in yet again to HELP in a fun way!! Last year, you all will remember the ALS Ice bucket Challenge, what a powerful movement and incredible way to spread a message an help others become aware of this life altering disease. I was moved over and over again by peoples desire to support and share. Phoenix is OBSESSSED with those videos to this day! Espiecially ones that are with kids doing it! He loves the creative ones, silly ones, serious ones, all of them, he will watch over and over again and laugh and want to share with others.
We live in a day, where we Scroll through texts, emails, newfeeds and videos and FORGET that we need to STOP and WATCH< READ! I am guilty of the fast paced movement, however I will say a STORY of life, Adventure, Medical, Fight, Funny they Grab me and I remind myself to Listen and watch, because people and life matter more than my to do's.
All of this to say, I know it would be so FUN to blow up peoples Newfeeds, texts, emails with Fun videos telling the Story of Phoenix and Spreading his Joyous laughter! Watch this video and SEND ME YOUR VIDEOS or Post them! You and or your kids can Say something nice to Phoenix or something about why you are doing it, spreading his story and I will montage them in the days ahead too! These will be such a gift to his heart as he recovers from the surgery! Date is August 26th! WE NEED YOU TO TAKE THE 2 Minutes, fill a bucket, get creative and dump it over your head, for a GREAT BOY with a GREAT JOURNEY AHEAD! OPERATION: Phoenix is going strong!
Here's the link for his YouCaring Operation Phoenix fundraisers! Share with your video!
Love to you all!
The Reuwer Family