This past week has been full of Bad news, then some good news.Phoenix had many downs, for about four days straight, breathing episodes, wound on his back not healing, they had to scrape skin away,and a blood transfusion. On the side of life, our house is up in the air and sorting through the day to day finances, schedule and life of a baby with special needs is intense.
Good news came, and we are still waiting for more, miracles please. Friends of mine in Chicago are having a benefit for us to help cover costs that we are unable to cover, amazingly kind and generous!!! As well as Phoenix's back was looking better later this past week, his breathing is sorting itself out, hopefully without surgery and continual oxygen. He is an absolute favorite in the NICU, every nurse that works with him loves his disposition, he is sweet and so content. He loves people though, he will not sleep if we are there, because he wants to be with us. The Doctor gave orders so that I could nurse 2x a day which has been such a great time of bonding and really good for him to learn how to breath and pace himself while eating, he is a little chugger. He has less wires, so it is getting a little easier and though the beeping is obnoxious we are learning to tune it out. We still have at least 4 more weeks to go.
We made new friends at the NICU support night whom invited us to their church, which we really loved. Enjoyed lunch with them on Sunday and it is so nice to be an encouragement to others going through difficult times, we feel reminded of God's faithfulness and love for us and others.
My eyes have been openend to sooo many things and I feel aware that there is always room for change in me.I felt aware of my lack as a friend to many of my closest friends, that have faced really tough times, I felt challenged to grow and become more consistent in loving and practically caring for them. Mike and I have been amazed and disappointed in the love and generosity we have seen, felt and known in these weeks and months. We are amazed at the sincerity of all your prayers and encouragement as well of the many ways you have helped with the practical day to day needs. I know that God has and is caring for us and walking through this journey with us and though each day holds it's share of mountains, Phoenix is teaching me so much of remaining content through it all. Incredible that a little baby can teach me and change me so much.
I have been reminded again and again of the miracle that he is, here with us and I look forward to all that is to come, thank you for staying with us and loving and supporting us on so many levels, we love and cherish you all.

I'm so glad to hear that you've met people down in Texas who can be an "on the ground" encouragement to you. I've been praying for that! So many of us up here feel helpless, but at least we can pray. Love you lots!
ReplyDeleteEli and I were checking out your blog this morning and I pointed to the sweet picture of you kissing Phoenix. I said to him, "look honey who is that"? He replied, "I'm not sure Mama".Then he took a closer look and said, "look Mama my friend Megan"! He had such a sweet little smile....We miss you and think of you often!
Hey Meg I am thinking about you guys and praying for you! I love you!
ReplyDeleteMegan Anderson
Megan, although these times must be amazingly hard, I do rejoice with you that you are able to breastfeed and in the other victories! Praying for a great turnout for the benifit in Chicago...what a blessing to have friends do this for you!
ReplyDeleteWhenever I see your beautiful boy making it through all of this, I am reminded how precious life and love are. Just a moment ago I was freaking out about a class Im taking, then I check your blog and see your pictures and feel so many things and nothing I was previously thinking matters anymore. Your family emulates beauty in its purest form, Megan. Thinking of you often...
ReplyDeleteSo great to hear how ya'll are doing. I was thinking and praying for you earlier today, as everyday!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pics! He's really cute!
ReplyDeletePhoenix is such a brave and amazing little soul! Children are incredible!! You are wonderful Megan. It must be incredibly difficult and scary. I am so glad to hear that he is doing better. I will pray that he continue to get stronger and healthier. He is absolutely adorable!! Hugs from WI. XOXOXO