Really, it has been 2 months, unbelievable. They have passed like waves flowing and ebbing and then beautifully crashing on the beach. We have been engulfed in the routine of Monday and Wednesday therapies, juggling one car, hosting dinner parties with Army friends, visits with Granny and Mimi, meal planning, grocery shopping, date nights, new neighbors with phenomenal kids (complete answer to prayer), sewing, creative ventures, loss of a dear dear friend, reflections on Faith, marriage and the plans of God for us...
Clearly this list just builds and builds and fully engulfs my time and thoughts, giving me life some days that are like nails on a chalkboard and others, seemingly as wonderful and refreshing as the sunshine after a dreary winter. It seems we are growing up quickly and transition has been happening for all of us.
Mike Graduated last Wednesday from the Classroom part of his time here, what should have taken only six months was stretched out to eleven. It was painstaking for him at times, but he is great about remembering that Phoenix and the time off he had was a tremendous blessing. He is such a great man, his eyes are so focused on us and he goes to great lengths daily to be the best husband, father and man for our family. I am in awe often at the load he carries and how well he does it. I am constantly reminded by his character and love, what a gift he is to me and the boys and all that know him. This week he started his clinicals which has been really fresh and enjoyable for him. His leadership at the hospital is both flexible and laid back which is a cool drink of water from the last round of higher ups. His days end so early, that we are able to spend time together as a family before the dinner time craziness ensues. Mike is most excited about coming home in five months it has been over a year for him already since he left for boot camp. We miss our friends and family and life that is Ours and not the military's. So he is eager to move into that place, but also enjoying the time we have.
Rowan, he has seriously become a little boy, no more toddler left. Talking and expressing his emotions and thoughts, brilliantly. He has learned to entertain and play alone, which has been a great relief for me. I am able to Give Phoenix and the house (sometimes) the time and attention they need. He never allows too much time to pass before I hear his famous saying, "Mama come". That is one of my favorite parts of our day and his personality. He still enjoys me and I remember to stop and enjoy him. There is so much to love about him in this age and I don't wanna miss a moment. He loves to run outside and hide in the bushes, playing with his new best friend Tanner (neighbor) upstairs, taking walks to Starbucks and lunch's at Chik-fila. Wrestling with Uncle Jon, Papa and Tanner is a consistent adventure of his days. Rowan has truly taken on his namesake in so many ways. A tree with strong/ deep roots. He draws us back to each other and him and I can always see through his nature when the balance is off or the roots are in need of refreshing.
Phoenix, is progressing. Sometimes it seems rapid and others slow and steady. His eyes are focused and strong in new ways, which is so wonderful to see. He is getting strong at holding his head up and lasting longer and longer through his therapies. We had a urologist appointment this week and have a Eurodynamics test in early April. This test will dictate a catherization schedule and all the continuation of care. He will also be getting fitted, for his first wheelchair, standing frame and new car seat (specially designed to accommodate his kyphosis). It takes a couple months for insurance and the companies to get everything sorted out and made. Phoenix will have most of it by his first birthday. Which means he'll be learning to use it all as part of his daily therapy!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. He is sweet and content, yet strong and determined, enjoying the new amounts of personality gushing forth. In the last couple weeks he has been smiling more and more and he has the best belly laughs, deep giggles, they light up my day. Enjoying him and the pace that he graces my life with. Phoenix has soared above expectations. I find myself amazed at the way God uses Phoenix to draw me to a place of focus on God alone.
I love that each of them has opened up my heart to unfathomable riches. To imagine what there lives will become and watch them unfold as individuals is a great honor. I am overwhelmed by the blessing of all that is stored up with in this role as a Mama.
My heart is growing softer and softer daily. I feel like layers of myself are unfolding and I am learning more and more about me. Odd, I really believed I knew myself through and through. But clearly God knows me better than myself and loves to teach me more about me.
Psalm 139 is a refuge for me. I have found great strength in these words.
"For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my Mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you."
This is the core of our Faith for Phoenix and the e
ssence of beauty and depth of God's love for us, that his thoughts toward us outnumber the grains of sand and that he formed every part of me before the beginnings of the earth. Brilliant he is indeed. And so kind to reveal all that he sees and knows me to be.

Our journey is full of new adventures and fresh ability to walk in liberation as promised for this year!! Thank you all for sharing in this with us and loving us. We cherish you.

Meggers, love the new coat, love the exciting news about Phoenix's progress, and love that Mike graduated - but certainly not in that order! Blessings upon blessings on YOU ALL!