Today a year ago was the end of a long and emotional journey full of tons of unknowns and Faith. A miracle, a sacred gift was given to our family, Phoenix Everette Reuwer. Beautiful blue eyes, frail little 4lb. 6oz. frame and sweet as pie and full of Fight, straight out of my womb.
I remember the day vividly, the drive to the hospital at 4:45 am and then all the waiting for the C-section. All the anticipation mixed with unknowns, for me, I just wanted the pregnancy to have a conclusion in a new life. We were prepared for the long haul and we knew that Phoenix was a life that would and has reached numerous in great depths.
The heartache of that day lingers still, not being able to see him or touch him. Waiting yet again for the Dr's thoughts and next plans for his little life. We were surrounded by prayers and some of our dearest friends. What a gift that was and is!
A year already I still can't wrap my mind around it. This one little life that shines and teaches me daily.I can celebrate in all that has been restored, in all that was promised or diagnosed over him in my womb and who he really is.
Everyday he is changing, watching, growing, loving, laughing and Fighting. Fighting to be stronger, to play with Rowan, to reach for a toy, to hold his body up, to balance and to just Live Fully... Life through those Crystal blue eyes is full of trials I'll never know, but more Full of Victories this side of Earth that i will never taste, except through watching him.
No one could have told me or prepared me for what life with a child with a disability and medical hurdles would be like. To me it is the richest and most complexly draining life. It compels me towards God in ways I have never known and it takes my breath away with each new milestone he greets and embraces. I love Phoenix I love the life, joy and strength he has brought to our family. I thank God daily for miracles seen and unseen in and through his life. He leads a life worth Fighting and Celebrating, but don't we all.
Phoenix has had great strides in just these last weeks. Too many to fully get into but let me say. Prayers, yours, mine and all the angels have been answered. He is progressing daily in his strength and longevity, which is a great victory. Used to make it through ten minutes of OT and be exhausted, today he made it the whole 45 and let me tell you I left with an ear to ear smile. Food has become a part of his life, he loves it and his body is finally holding down, seriously deserves celebration as this has been a hard battle. Fists of steel have switched to loose fingers and hands that are reaching, grasping and fine motor skills developing. These are all daily occurrences for a six month old. We finally have a marker for where he is developmentally, that is wonderful. Also, we were supposed to start Cathing him to empty his bladder a month ago. Which would add a huge lifestyle change for our family and seriously by the grace of God. Both our Dr. and us agreed to wait, because currently he has none of the risks associated with not doing it. Most Spina Bifida kids, with use of there lower body are sent home from the hospital with cathing a daily routine. Laughing, smiling, babbling, all a part of consistent development are happening on a daily basis. Rowan and Jon being the greatest assets to the giggling. Leaps and Bounds!!!
We are heading into our last months here and feel grateful and ready for the completion of this season. This weekend we celebrate Rowan's third birthday and we are getting to go on a mini vacation. We have great Faith for this time together, with friends, God and each other. After this weekend there are tons of details to get sorted through from moving to establishing care for Phoenix in Wisconsin, please pray that all goes smooth and we have the grace to face any hurdles that come.
We Love you all and are so thankful for your love, support, encouragement and prayers. Life is but a breath, but so much sweeter with you all beside us!

so inspiring. THank you. he is so cute
ReplyDeleteMegan, read this a while back but came back today to see if there were any updates and was again thrilled by Phoenix's progress. Isaiah's challenges obviously aren't as large as Phoenix's but they do give me a glimpse into the battles for the little developmental milestones that you are facing. So happy to hear that he is progressing and that you are finding joy in this progress. Love you darling.