On the note of Mike moving in potentially with us, it has been moving forward on the paperwork side of things. These are emotional times, because as usual I have to deal with Dr.'s and their protocall and the in-betweens, in these moments it is just trying to clearly explain what I need and hoping and praying that it is enough to move the right people to make the best decision for us as a family. The truth in all of this that I cling to is that God is ultimately in control. I have faced more challenges this week emotionally with this Truth.
I met a Mom at the pool the other day and she has 2 children and is a labor and delivery nurse and when we got to talking and I told her about the baby, she had some thoughts that were challenging and caused me to re-evaluate what I KNOW to be Truth. You see in the medical field and actually most people would ask why I would want to continue on with this pregnancy as Phoenix and we will face many challenges on all levels if he is not healed.
She said," do you know how hard this baby's life will be? and your life will be?"
I replied, "yes, I know it will be challenging."
That is all I could muster at this moment, because I never faced a question that directly, only the underlying implications that the decision I was making was wrong or selfish. These are hard thoughts for some, but loads of people think this way toward a life that is not "optimal quality".
When I got back to the apartment I lost it, thinking about what have we come to that we have the ability and control to decide who has the right to live and who doesn't and what an "optimal" life looks like... I believe and stand on that God knit this baby together and there is a purpose and destiny on his life even if it is full of challenge, which of course would break any Mother's heart to know the challenge of just "being different" than all the other kids. It is a mystery to the Doctors why my body continues to grow and nurture babies with these birth defects, when it is a mystery to a dr. I see the fingerprint of God even more clearly.
So many times this week Mike and I have faced the thoughts of the road ahead, we know that God will give to us the Grace we need to face whatever is ahead, yet more than ever we have been pleading with God to heal and restore Phoenix' body. Often times in our heart we feel more prepared for God changing our minds to see as he sees and that this child is Beautiful and Perfect to him in whatever we perceive as lack, amazing how different we see.
Well that is a nutshell of what these days have looked like. I have an appointment next thursday, a level 2 ultrasound which is pretty much routine for me, please pray that the Dr. would be compassionate and respectful of all that we desire for this baby. I am hoping that questions will be answered and the path ahead be clearer. This will be my first meeting with our Doctor and I must admit I am a bit nervous about the whole thing...
On the front of feeling settled and less whirlwindish, I feel encouraged and strong for the Roads ahead and am believing that it can only get better and hopefully a little less bumpy roads.
Love to all and I will update soon I am sure.

I think you will find a compassionate heart in your doctor. If he didn't think lives like Phoenix's were worth fighting for, he wouldn't be in this line of work, right? :)
ReplyDeleteI love you guys and wish you all the best. Please tell me if you need anything. I'm only a few hours away from Mike. I'd love to be there for ya'll in any way that I can. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI am praying for today's appointment to go very well, for your beautiful family, for healing, for frace and peace, strength and courage, for a compassionate doctor... for all of the miracles, large and small that your family needs (from Rowan being as easy-going as a toddler can be to the military paperwork being processed QUICKLY, and your husband getting to live with you, to amazing doctors and a whole, and healthy baby boy) and for new friends and acquaintances that are KIND.
ReplyDeleteYou and your family are so precious, and I send you all my love.
You are so beautiful. Seriously, everything that Monica wrote and more. I second it all.
ReplyDeleteoh megs.. you're in my thoughts quite frequently...
ReplyDeleteyou are chosen for a high place in the kindgom and purposes of God; there is an ascent in God that grows narrow and causes the revelation and authority of another world to become more real than that which we posses with our physical eyes.. you're a so-journer meg on that road... there will be a great day of rejoicing and release..
nikki papa
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog. I'm so glad I found you and feel like I have a one-way line to hear your story and know exactly what's going on. Ever since we visited and I heard about Phoenix's condition, I have been so burdened by what's going on. I know this living situation is crazy as well. You looked so beautiful and peaceful when I saw you in April. May God pour out the stuff he's made of on you, like only he can.
Much love,